Art painting - originals / unique pieces
The sirens of the pilot ships sounded from the jetties. A large tanker is towed into port. The white seagulls show little interest in the mighty ship, in search of fish or rubbish they plaintively circle two smaller cutters that leisurely rocking their way through the green-brown water of the harbor basin. I'm sitting in front of a cup of cappuccino, I enjoy the smell of the coffee, it makes me dream, dream of the time when the „Speicherstadt“ was still a hub for countless deliveries of coffee sacks; the goods were laboriously loaded from the barges into the storerooms. The wind has turned. He chases a few darker clouds from the direction of Hafencity down the Elbe. How much the Port of Hamburg and the Speicherstadt have changed over the years. Where previously crumbling jetties, badly paved streets and crumbling houses struggled to survive, a new, modern Hamburg has now established itself. I take a sip from the white-walled cup. Mein Hamburg, it stands for tradition and modernity, which can never quite agree on who is decisive. Hafencity and Speicherstadt, a gateway to the world and into the future, combined with a memory of past merchant days. Waves ripple on the ridged, algae-fringed logs in front of the piers. I love the port of Hamburg - it's full of images and inspiration. It's nice to paint ist special moments, to capture them on a canvas with a brush and paint. I finish my coffee and head home.